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Wedding of Bigsby and High priestess
BlairOfSeastoneDate: Monday, 2009-11-09, 12:30 PM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 93
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
[3:45:45 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: hey hun
[3:45:56 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: okay need to know what kind of wedding
[3:46:01 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: open or closed ceremony
[3:46:07 AM] Mike Shearer: open
[3:46:16 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: what altar
[3:46:30 AM] Mike Shearer: altar??
[3:46:52 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: yeah to you want to be married at the moon, sun, order or choas altar
[3:47:03 AM] Mike Shearer: order
[3:47:11 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: name of groom
[3:47:18 AM] Mike Shearer: Bigsby
[3:47:22 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: name of bride
[3:47:33 AM] Mike Shearer: High Priestess
[3:48:39 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: date and time.. make sure to use GMT...
[3:48:51 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: ((date must be at least 7 days from now))
[3:49:03 AM] Mike Shearer: gmt?
[3:49:22 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: Greenwich Mean Time.. aka london time
[3:49:52 AM] Mike Shearer: kk. what time is it there?
[3:50:09 AM | Edited 3:50:11 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: lol i have no idea... let me pull up my converter
[3:50:39 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: is monday 8:50 am GMT currently
[3:56:10 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: Hello?
[3:56:37 AM] Mike Shearer: kk. here it is 3:58 am
[3:56:47 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: so when do want the wedding
[3:56:57 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: pick a time and then add five hours to it
[3:57:13 AM] Mike Shearer: at midnight our time so five am gmt time
[3:57:25 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: what day of the week
[3:57:50 AM] Mike Shearer: seven days from now will be sunday.
[3:58:11 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: techinically monday after you add the 5 hours
[3:58:21 AM] Mike Shearer: alright monday
[3:58:31 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: so the 16th
[3:58:48 AM] Mike Shearer: and what will the marriage certifactes look like?
[3:59:01 AM] Mike Shearer: yes.
[3:59:33 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: they will be the standard unless you order an custom cert
[3:59:46 AM] Mike Shearer: how much does that cost?
[4:01:14 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: 50 plat to add a custom cert to the package... and then its 50 plat to the artist....
[4:01:32 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: so it would increase the cost to 200 plat instead of 100plat
[4:01:52 AM] Mike Shearer: kk we are going to want that.
[4:02:56 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: have you looked at my webpage... and did you see any custom certs there that you like.... if there isnt any.. their might be a delay.. as we have to wait for the artist to complete the work
[4:03:13 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: i have a gallery of ones for sale on my webpage
[4:04:19 AM] Mike Shearer: give me the link
[4:04:27 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: http://weddingds.ucoz.com/photo/2
[4:06:51 AM] Mike Shearer: she's deciding
[4:06:59 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: k
[4:12:24 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: lol falling asleep
[4:14:25 AM] Mike Shearer: k she want the second one.
[4:15:11 AM] Blair bear / BlairOfSeastone: http://weddingds.ucoz.com/_ph/2/2/472857247.jpg

BlairOfSeastoneDate: Friday, 2009-11-13, 5:21 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 93
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Заявка активирована. Пин-код заявки: 795913554.

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