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Blair's Wedding Chapel
For all your darkswords wedding needs
 Well with the changing of the Darkswords Admin, once again
Pastor Blair finds herself excommunicated

Sorry that we can no longer help you with official DS weddings.
May everyone still find love.

Its Christmas time.   Enjoy your x-mas season.
Wedding Price List
Open Wedding
Location: Chose from Sun Temple, Church, Graveyard, or Cemetary
(other locations availible on request)
Booking Time: 7 days beforehand
Cost: 102 plat (includes Transfer Fee)
Closed Wedding 
Location: the Wedding Chapel
Booking Time: 7 days beforehand
Cost: 203 plat (includes Transfer Fee)
Extras: Includes a Unique Wedding Certificate Upgrade
Extras: Includes 30 wedding invites.
Addtional Wedding Invites - 1 plat each
Artwork & Name of Certificate must be provided to pastor 7 days before wedding. 
Cost: 32 plat (includes Transfer Fees)
Wedding Certificate Change
Cost 50 plat
Artwork & Name of Certificate must be provided to pastor 7 days prior to change. 
Other Services
Unique Wedding Certificate Artwork (for those not providing their own)
Cost: 50 plat
Unique Forum Signature Blocks
Cost: 25 to 50 plat
To order a wedding, please register and post your desires on the forum.  BlairOfSeastone or Blair bear will contact you in game asap to arrange booking and payment.  You may also contract Blair via skype id - blairofseastone
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